Season of Creation

Resources for Churches

The Season of Creation, which runs from 1 September to 4 October, is an annual celebration of prayer and action for creation that Christians on six continents have commemorated for years. The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home.

Every year, the Season of Creation ecumenical steering committee comes up with a theme to help churches around the world strengthen our united response during this shared season of reflection and action. A Rocha is part of this steering committee.

The official Season of Creation theme for 2024 is:

There are more and more resources available for the Season of Creation as church communities and denominations recognise the Season of Creation and incorporate it into their church calendar. On this page, we have collated a variety of resources arranged in a way that will allow you to scroll through the ideas below and use appropriate ones that would work for your church community. We have drawn from a number of resources as well as sharing ideas from the Eco Church community here in Aotearoa New Zealand. We hope you will find these resources helpful as you plan for the Season of Creation.

Opening Words / Prayers

Thanksgiving Prayers

Confession Prayers

Intercessory Prayers

Creative ideas to incorporate into services

Here are some creative ideas to incorporate into your church services. We hope the photos help get your creative juices flowing as you consider activities and worship that are interactive and include whānau of all ages and ability.

Ideas for Tamariki / Children’s Ministry

Some activity and curriculum ideas for Children’s Ministry and Sunday School to get tamariki involved in celebrating the Season of Creation.

Songs and Hymns


Fundraise for Environmental Mission during Season of Creation

  • Take up a special offering for the Eco Church project, or another care of creation cause. You can share the above video to invite people to fundraise or give towards the Eco Church project.

  • Grow some native trees and vegetable seedlings and sell them on behalf as a donation to an environmental cause.

  • Encourage resource recovery and fundraise via a secondhand sale.

  • In lieu of gifts when celebrating a happy occasion, ask people to donate to environmental cause.

  • Have a bake sale with a twist – by making it a fair trade or vegan bake sale.

  • Get together with creative types and auction your arts and crafts as a fundraiser.

  • Celebrate cultural diversity by having an international food festival fundraiser.

  • If you have local businesses represented in your church community – pool together donated goods and services for a fundraising raffle.

Other Ideas for the Season of Creation


Quotes and Poems


Preaching for God’s World is a resource for preachers, offering thoughts and reflections on each Sunday’s Revised Common Lectionary readings viewed through the lens of the Anglican Five Marks of Mission – in particular, caring for people and planet. It helps preachers explore the set lectionary readings for each week from the perspective of creation care.

This year they have invited six women bishops to prepare the sermon notes during the Season of Creation.  They come from Kenya, Brazil, Lesotho, Eswatini and the UK (formerly of NZ). These will be posted week by week in due course.

See also:

Relevant Eco Church stories

Know of a good story to include? Let us know and we’ll follow up!