He Māhuri Tōtara
Inspiring and equipping young people to become agents of environmental change
He Māhuri Tōtara seeks to inspire and equip young people to become agents of change in their communities and in the world, promoting environmental stewardship and care as part of their Christian faith in the unique context of Aotearoa
He Māhuri Tōtara
In te ao Māori, the Tōtara is a renowned tree. He Tōtara Haemata - a lofty tōtara - is a metaphorical way of speaking about a renowned or distinguished leader. “He māhuri tōtara” is a way of talking about young people or young leaders who have leadership potential but have yet to become mature tōtara.
“Māhuri” means young tree or sapling. When you see a young tōtara, you can see all of the potential of what it will become, but it is yet to reach its potential.
He Māhuri Tōtara is all about creating the type of environment for māhuri tōtara to grow and develop into tōtara haemata. We are passionate about creating environments and spaces where the conditions nurture young leaders, support them to develop deep roots, offer them a network of connections and a plan for future growth.
He Māhuri Tōtara Programme
He Māhuri Tōtara is A Rocha’s core Christian environmental leadership development programme that we offer to Eco Churches. The programme explores the unique environmental challenges and opportunities of our world and the biblical imperative to care for creation in the unique context of Aotearoa. The courses are a mixture of workshops, hands-on activities, outdoor adventures and building relationships with likeminded people.
He Māhuri Tōtara Courses
HMT Youth Leaders Course
This course is for anyone involved in youth ministry — youth pastors and youth leaders who want to be equipped to support young people in their passion to care for creation.
HMT Youth Course
This course is for high-school age youth who are passionate about their faith and the environment and want to understand how these are related.
Who should register?
This course is for you if you…
Have a Christian faith background or is interested in learning more about Christianity.
Are passionate about caring for creation.
Want to develop your leadership skills.
Enjoy outdoor experiences.
Are willing to learn and collaborate with others.
Have a strong desire to make a positive difference in the world.
When and where is the next course?
Courses for 2025 are currently being planned. They are usually held during the school holidays. Register your interest and we will keep you posted about our upcoming courses for 2025.