Altar panel art for Season of Creation

Rachel Doragh, Eco Church kaihāpai at Tawa Anglicans created a beautiful altar panel art for Season of Creation 2023 using the theme of the year.

Here's what she says:

"We are fortunate in our worship space to have this beautiful altar with space for interchangeable panels. We have a selection of panels that are changed according to the liturgical season so it was calling out to me to paint some to use during the Season of Creation. I have always looked for ways to incorporate imagery and symbolism into our worship space and practice through visual art so these altar panels were a natural fit. I have kept the main colour green - as the liturgical colour is still green. I made the centre panel of the triptych specific to this year's Season of Creation theme - the mighty river with accompanying scripture."

But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! (Amos 5: 24)

"The outer panels attempt to portray a typical Aotearoa landscape - grounding us in our place - but beyond that are generic so can be re-used if desired in future years maybe with a centre panel designed and created by someone else from our community or even our existing liturgical panel that features a gold cross. I hope that by putting these images in front of us as we worship it will help us keep in mind that we are joining our voices in worship with those of all creation, and also to ponder on the image of the river and what justice and righteousness might look like for us in our world right now."


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