Intercessory Prayers for Creation

Loving God, even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she places her young near Your altar.
You are attentive to all you have made.

God, who listens to every living thing,
Help us listen as you do.

Loving God, help us provide refuge
to every animal and plant with whom we live.
Help us be attentive to all you have made.

God, in whom all creation subsists,
Help us listen as you do.

Loving God, when Jesus cried out and gave up his Spirit,
the earth shook and the rocks split.
You are known by the whole of creation that listens to you.

God, to whom all creation responds,
Help us respond to you.

Loving God, help us hear and know you just as the earth and rocks do.
Help us to learn from the way in which we see creation recognise your glorious beauty.

God, to whom all creation responds,
Help us respond to you.

Loving God, you are present in your creation and seek to heal her wounds.
You can be found walking in the garden.
Open our eyes to see you, the gardener.

God, who is present with your creation,
Help us be present too.

Loving God, we often abandon your creation and cause its wounds.
Help us to follow in your footsteps and learn to walk in the garden like you.

God, who is present with your creation,
Help us be present too.

Loving God, who hears every voice, knows each cry of injustice,
and is attentive to the suffering of the earth:
teach us to listen.
Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it,
that we may listen to the world you have created
and not close ourselves off from it.
Reveal to us the ways in which we have failed to hear your voice in how we treat the earth.

God, who listens to every living thing,
Help us listen as you do.



Extracted from Season of Creation: A Celebration Guide for Episcopal Parishes 2023, p60.

Original source: Intercessions adapted from the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Pre-Anaphora, and Anaphora of Basil, as published in “Listen to the Voice of Creation,” 30-31.


Season of Creation 2024 Prayer


Called to be God’s partners in the care of the planet