Prayer of Thanksgiving for God’s Creation (Te Reo Māori)

Here in Aotearoa, the Season of Creation is Te Kauwhanga o Te Koanga (The Season of Spring) where the life-giving waters bring forth creation for another season.

Here is a morning prayer of thanksgiving for God's creation in Te Reo Māori:

E tō mātou Matua, i te aonga ake o tēnei rā ka whakawhetai mātou ki a koe mō te pō kua pahure, ā, mō te rā kua tīmata nei.
Ka whakawhetai mātou ki a koe mō ngā āhuatanga katoa o tēnei ao,
mō te whitinga o te rā,
mō te pupuhi o te hau,
mō te hekenga iho o te ua,
mō te tupu o ngā kai,
mō te ātaāhua o ngā pūāwai.
Ka homai e koe ēnei taonga hei painga mō te tāngata. Āwhinatia mai rā kia tahuri atu ai ō mātou whakaaro ki a koe, ki te Kaihanga o ngā mea katoa.

God our Father, at the dawning of the day we thank you for the night gone past and for the new day just beginning.
We praise you for the wonder of creation. For the sunshine and for the rain, for the wind, and for the power that makes things grow, and for the beauty of the flowers.
You created all these for the good of all. May our thoughts turn always turn to you, the creator of all things.


Source: Immaculate Conception Pakipaki | Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Pakipaki


Prayer to stop and listen


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