Prayer for the Oceans

From A Rocha International

Creator God, all your works are wonderful. The earth and the oceans are yours. You made them with your hands and filled them with life both big and small. The oceans tell of your glory, and we are amazed by the beauty you have placed in them.

Almighty and Righteous, you asked us to look after the oceans, yet instead of encouraging them to teem with life as you intended, we have filled them with our waste. Forgive us for our carelessness and ignorance. We are sorry for polluting your creation.

Healer and Redeemer God, you sent your son Jesus Christ to reconcile the whole world to yourself. We pray that your kingdom of healing will come today to your oceans. May your Holy Spirit help us to live lives that honour you and emulate your care for the oceans. May your Holy Spirit act through our politicians so they can work to prevent plastic entering and harming the oceans. May your Holy Spirit work in your Church to equip us to be your hands and feet in facing this problem.

Comforter God, we ask you to help our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering because of the problem of plastic pollution: subsistence fisherman who pull up nets full of rubbish, those who suffer health problems due to contaminated seafood, and those whose places of work and leisure are marred by washed up plastic. We place this problem in your hands and ask for your help. May your oceans reflect your glory once again.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.


A Christian Prayer in Union with Creation


Kids activity based on Psalm 139