For the Beauty of Creation

Loving God, Creator of all,
we thank you for the beauty of Creation;
show us, we pray, how to respect
the fragile balance of life.
Guide by your wisdom those who have power
to care for or to destroy the environment,
that by the decisions we make, life may be cherished
and a good and fruitful earth be preserved for future generations;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Extracted from Season of Creation: A Celebration Guide for Episcopal Parishes 2023, p49.

Original source: Collect adapted from Our Modern Services: Anglican Church of Kenya (Nairobi: Uzima Press, 2008), 289, as published in “Holy Earth, Holy People: Restoring God’s Creation,” Holy Eucharist liturgy for the Diocese of Western Massachusetts Convention 2019, 2.


For the Stewardship of Creation


A Closing Blessing