

Eco Church Conservation Kōrero

Eco Church Conservation Kōrero

Conservation Kōrero:

Join us for our Conservation Kōrero! This kōrero will provide inspiration to anyone passionate about conservation and caring for creation, including our Eco Church community and A Rocha local groups working in the biodiversity and conservation space. Especially relevant to local group leaders and members, conservation leaders and volunteers, and church members wanting to get involved in biodiversity work and conservation projects in their local places.

Join us to hear from Anna Yeoman as she shares with us her journey into conservation, her incredible work with Mokomoko Dryland Sanctuary in Central Otago, and her book, Geckos & Skinks: The remarkable lizards of Aotearoa (2024).

Monday 31 March 2025, 7pm-8:30pm via zoom.

Register here for the zoom link. 

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He Māhuri Tōtara for Leaders - Raglan
to 22 Jun

He Māhuri Tōtara for Leaders - Raglan

He Māhuri Tōtara is A Rocha’s core Christian environmental leadership development programme that we offer to Eco Churches. The programme explores the unique environmental challenges and opportunities of our world and the biblical imperative to care for creation in the unique context of Aotearoa. The courses are a mixture of workshops, hands-on activities, outdoor adventures and building relationships with likeminded people.

This course is for anyone involved in youth ministry — youth pastors and youth leaders who want to be equipped to support young people in their passion to care for creation.

For more information:

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He Māhuri Tōtara for Youth - Christchurch
to 3 Oct

He Māhuri Tōtara for Youth - Christchurch

He Māhuri Tōtara is A Rocha’s core Christian environmental leadership development programme that we offer to Eco Churches. The programme explores the unique environmental challenges and opportunities of our world and the biblical imperative to care for creation in the unique context of Aotearoa. The courses are a mixture of workshops, hands-on activities, outdoor adventures and building relationships with likeminded people.

This course is for high-school youth who are passionate about their faith and the environment and want to understand how these are related.

For more information:

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He Māhuri Tōtara for Leaders - Dunedin
to 19 Oct

He Māhuri Tōtara for Leaders - Dunedin

He Māhuri Tōtara is A Rocha’s core Christian environmental leadership development programme that we offer to Eco Churches. The programme explores the unique environmental challenges and opportunities of our world and the biblical imperative to care for creation in the unique context of Aotearoa. The courses are a mixture of workshops, hands-on activities, outdoor adventures and building relationships with likeminded people.

This course is for anyone involved in youth ministry — youth pastors and youth leaders who want to be equipped to support young people in their passion to care for creation.

For more information:

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Waikato Eco Church Gathering

Waikato Eco Church Gathering

A gathering in Waikato to connect and learn about how we engage with sustainability and Creation Care in our church communities. Join us!

Waikato Eco Church Gathering
Saturday, 8 March 2025
2pm - 4pm
Chartwell Cooperating Church
126 Comries Road, Chartwell, Hamilton

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The Good News Project Restoration Day

The Good News Project Restoration Day

The Good News Project provides a space where rangatahi not only hear the Good News but also live it out through hands-on biodiversity restoration projects.

By bringing young people together, this initiative demonstrates the power of collective action and shared purpose in addressing environmental challenges. A living example of faith in action.

The next Good News Project restoration day is:

Saturday, 1 March 2025
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Southshore Spit Reserve
New Brighton

In partnership with CYS Easter Camp’s BIGTOP event.

BONUS! Register your Youth Group for the Good News Project restoration day on 1 March 2025, and get free tickets for all participating youth to the BIGTOP event organised by CYS Southern Easter Camp!

For more information, check out:

Participation is by youth group, rather than individual sign-ups. If you’re keen, send the details to your youth group leaders and ask them to get in touch with James Beck.

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Hawkes Bay Eco Church Gathering

Hawkes Bay Eco Church Gathering

Join us at the Hawkes Bay Eco Church Gathering on Saturday 22 February 2025, 10am-12noon at The Octagon, Taradale Anglican Church, Napier. A gathering in the Hawkes Bay to connect and learn about how we engage with sustainability and Creation Care in our church communities.

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Why Does Nature Matter? By Peter Harris

Why Does Nature Matter? By Peter Harris

A Rocha Co-Founder, Peter Harris will examine the beliefs that underlie the conservation effort, which range from a conviction that we need nature to survive, to more mystical explanations about its intrinsic value. Find out how the Christian faith provides a beautifully coherent explanation of why nature matters, and explore potential reasons why despite that Christian communities have often been slow to engage with our current crises in the biosphere, if at all.

You can read more about Peter Harris here.

South West Baptist Church
244 Lyttelton Street
Christchurch 8024

Saturday, 15 February 2025
7pm - 8:30pm
Koha entry

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Invercargill Eco Church Gathering

Invercargill Eco Church Gathering

A gathering in Invercargill to connect and learn about how we engage with sustainability and Creation Care in our church communities. Join us!

Invercargill Eco Church Gathering
Thursday, 13 February 2025
7pm - 9pm
St Lukes in The Bush
10 Black Road
Otatara, Invercargill

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Eco Church Kaihāpai Kōrero

Eco Church Kaihāpai Kōrero

Kaihāpai Kōrero:

Our first Kaihāpai Kōrero for 2025 is coming up in early February! If you're involved in an eco church team at your church (or interested in becoming an eco church) this online korero is for you.

At our first gathering for the year we'll be looking at how to mobilise and energise your church to get eco-active in 2025. There will be top tips to get your group passionate and active, inspiration from some eco church leaders, and time for us to share and discuss together in groups.

Monday 10 Feb 2025, 7pm-8:30pm via zoom.

Register here for the zoom link. 

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E3 Young Adults - Nelson Lakes National Park
to 9 Feb

E3 Young Adults - Nelson Lakes National Park

When: Feb 3-9 2025
Cost: $350
Age: 19 - 25

It is with great excitement that we announce the 3rd Annual E3 Young Adult 2025 will be in the stunning Nelson Lakes National Park. Nelson Lakes National Park (NLNP) is home to deep lakes, surrounded by big mountains. Beech Forests are on full display along with bird life to remember for a lifetime. This E3YA will be anchored by 3+ days of tramping/hiking along with paddling on the amazing Lake Rotoiti and mountain biking on nearby trails. The scenery will only enhance the conversations around faith and its intersections with life.

Transportation available from Christchurch & back on Feb 3rd & 9th.

This is limited to 12 people, so don’t miss out.

For more info and to register:

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E3 Central North Island
to 21 Dec

E3 Central North Island

When: 15 - 21 December 2024
Who: School Year 12 & 13 in 2024, Co-ed
Cost: $350

E3 is a partnership between Scripture Union NZ, Adventure Specialties Trust and A Rocha Aotearoa NZ. E3 ministries believe that wilderness experiences are significant - helping us to understand ourselves better and deepening our relationships with others, with God, and with God's creation.

The expedition is an 7-day journey. Starting from Mt Ruapehu, for the first two days we'll tramp through parts of Tongariro National Park, walking through dense forest, crossing glacial-fed rivers and traversing alpine passes. We’ll change things up the following day as we cycle to the start of our canoeing journey, giving our legs a break and using paddles to guide us along the breath-taking Whanganui River for three days. Back on dry land, we'll jump back on our bikes and maybe have another taste of those kayaks once more!

For more info and to register:

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E3 Otago
to 21 Dec

E3 Otago

When: 10 - 21 December 2024
Who: School Year 12 & 13 in 2024, Co-ed
Cost: $500

E3 is a partnership between Scripture Union NZ, Adventure Specialties Trust and A Rocha Aotearoa NZ. E3 ministries believe that wilderness experiences are significant - helping us to understand ourselves better and deepening our relationships with others, with God, and with God's creation.

This once in a lifetime wilderness adventure will traverse remote and spectacular landscapes from Haast Pass to Wānaka by foot, pedal and paddle. Along the way we’ll engage in practical conservation, explore our faith, develop leadership and outdoor skills while reflecting on the opportunities and possibilities of life after school.

*Transport to/from camp can be provided from Queenstown or Wanaka

For more info and to register:

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E3 Bay of Islands
to 21 Dec

E3 Bay of Islands

When: 10 - 21 December 2024
Who: School Year 12 & 13 in 2024, Co-ed
Cost: $500

E3 is a partnership between Scripture Union NZ, Adventure Specialties Trust and A Rocha Aotearoa NZ. E3 ministries believe that wilderness experiences are significant - helping us to understand ourselves better and deepening our relationships with others, with God, and with God's creation.

Starting in the "epicentre" of our bicultural journey in Aotearoa New Zealand we begin E3 with a Pōwhiri at Waitangi. This recognizes the Whenua & Moana nui that we will travel on. Traveling by sea kayak for a few days we embrace the important intersection of faith and te ao Māori around the Bay of Islands. Then we engage our legs to hike the sights of Cape Brett and its beauty. From there we switch to pedal power and bike south along the coast continuing to embrace our focus of leadership development, faith formation and creation care. Finally, take in one more chance to carry a pack for a couple of days, ending at Whananaki.

For more info and to register:

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E3 Canterbury
to 21 Dec

E3 Canterbury

When: 10 - 21 December 2024
Who: School Year 12 & 13 in 2024, Co-ed
Cost: $500

E3 is a partnership between Scripture Union NZ, Adventure Specialties Trust and A Rocha Aotearoa NZ. E3 ministries believe that wilderness experiences are significant - helping us to understand ourselves better and deepening our relationships with others, with God, and with God's creation.

One of the most memorable leadership experiences you will ever have as you join with others to tramp through the Lewis Pass mountains, bike through the Canterbury High Country and raft the Clarence River. Join us for a once in a lifetime opportunity to explore the central South Island with a small group of senior students. E3 will help you develop your faith, leadership and outdoor skills while reflecting on the opportunities and possibilities of life after school.

For more info and to register:

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Eco-Advent Wānanga: How to make Christmas at your church more sustainable

Eco-Advent Wānanga: How to make Christmas at your church more sustainable

Join us for the Eco-Advent Wānanga, a practical and inspiring online workshop designed to help churches and individuals integrate sustainable practices into their Christmas services and events. Explore ways to reduce environmental impact while embracing the spiritual rhythms of the season in a way that makes sense for Aotearoa. Celebrate the coming of Christ with a heart for creation, and discover how small, intentional changes can make a lasting difference this Christmas.  

We’ll hear creative stories and ideas from church communities and discuss together how churches can lead by example in caring for creation and fostering sustainability during the Advent season.

We will also hear from Michael Frost who is a theologian and co-leader of Edge Kingsland, an eco church in Auckland. He hosts the In The Shift podcast, which explores embodied spirituality in our contemporary world. Michael will share insights on how the story of Christmas invites us into reflection and action to care for God’s good creation.

Monday 18 November 2024, 7:00pm - 8:30pm, via Zoom

Register below to receive the zoom link.

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Eco Church Conservation Kōrero

Eco Church Conservation Kōrero

This kōrero will provide inspiration to anyone passionate about conservation and caring for creation, including our Eco Church community and A Rocha local groups working in the biodiversity and conservation space. Especially relevant to local group leaders and members, conservation leaders and volunteers, and church members wanting to get involved in biodiversity work and conservation projects in their local places.

Join us to hear from Professor Carolyn (Kim) King who is A Rocha's patron and New Zealand’s foremost authority on invasive mammals and world-renowned for her contribution to ecology – especially mustelids – stoats, weasels and ferrets. In addition to her conservation research and work, Kim King has also been active as an author and theologian in the Anglican Church promoting care for creation. Kim will share with us a bit about herself and also explore the topic - killing for conservation.

Monday 4 November 2024, 7:00pm - 8:00pm, via Zoom

Register below and we’ll send you the zoom link.

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Eco Church Kaihāpai Kōrero

Eco Church Kaihāpai Kōrero

Kaihāpai Kōrero:

If you're part of the Eco Church team in your church, the Kaihāpai Kōrero is for you! This once a term online gathering is open to all Eco Church kaihāpai from churches around the country. The Kaihāpai Kōrero is a space for listening, sharing and learning together about the joys and challenges of being on the eco church journey.


Are you needing some help turning your eco church dreams into actionable steps?  At our next Kaihāpai Kōrero, we'll be introducing you to our revised and renewed ECO CHURCH ACTION PLANNER - formerly known as the Eco Church Self-Assessment Worksheet.  We've spent some time listening and working on a new guide which will help churches turn their eco goals into manageable tasks.

Monday 21st October, 7pm-8pm via zoom.

Register here and we'll send you a zoom link. 

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to 10 Oct


Join us on an adventure-based camp in Whāingaroa Raglan to explore many different expressions of faith and the local environment! We’ll be exploring the secret paths of Karioi Maunga as we build traps, check the trapping lines and appreciate a remote campfire. We’ll be learning where our food comes from as we visit and help out on a local farm with the most spectacular views! We’ll also be venturing across different shored for swims and surfs as we consider the significance of water.

Brought to you by Scripture Union, in partnership with A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand | Karioi Project.

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He Māhuri Tōtara - For high-school students
to 4 Oct

He Māhuri Tōtara - For high-school students

He Māhuri Tōtara is a Christian environmental leadership development course.

The course explores the unique environmental challenges and opportunities of our world and the biblical imperative to care for creation in the context of Aotearoa New Zealand.

The experience is full of workshops, hands-on activities, outdoor adventures and building relationships with likeminded people.

He Māhuri Tōtara for youth will be based at Te Ahi Kaa in Ōtautahi.
30 Sept – 4 Oct 2024
We will be sleeping marae style at Te Ahi Kaa.

There is a one-off confirmation fee of $50 which is payable after your registration has been confirmed, however, there is no cost to attend He Māhuri Tōtara. This leadership programme is brought to you by A Rocha’s Eco Church project with support from The Wilberforce Foundation.

Find out more here:

Or email:

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Auckland Season of Creation Retreat #2

Auckland Season of Creation Retreat #2

This Season of Creation, September 2024, we invite you to gather with us to reflect, listen, and wonder at God's creation. We'll be guided in prayer together and in individual contemplation of God's amazing creativity.

This is the second of two retreats. It will conclude the month of Season of Creation and be the final time we gather in contemplation of God's creation. We'll meet at Māngere Maunga (at the domain playground), where land meets sky, for a couple hours in the afternoon.

Bring weather-appropriate clothing and a journal.

RSVP for one or both retreats here:

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Eco Church Wānanga - Creating Sacred Spaces: Weaving Creation Care into Worship

Eco Church Wānanga - Creating Sacred Spaces: Weaving Creation Care into Worship

Join us for an inspiring online wānanga designed specifically for church leaders and Eco Church Kaihāpai. In this session, a panel of experienced church leaders will help us explore creative ways to curate worship spaces that reflect and involve God’s creation, weave creation care into biblical readings and preaching, and develop all-age worship experiences that draw us closer to the Creator through his creation. 

Whether you're looking to refresh your approach to worship or seeking new ideas to engage your congregation in environmental stewardship, this wānanga will provide practical insights and inspiration to help you lead your community in honoring and caring for God’s earth.  Join us to discover practical ways to inspire your congregation and make creation care a natural part of your church’s life and mission.

Monday 16 September 2024, 7:00pm - 8:00pm, via Zoom

Register below to receive the zoom link.

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Auckland Kai and Kōrero

Auckland Kai and Kōrero

Come and connect with other Eco Churches and A Rocha members. We will hear from a few speakers and discuss current challenges for our church communities. Dinner provided.


- Edina Kuki, St Heliers Presbyterian: Eco Church journey, viewing of The Week, parliament submissions etc.

- Sharon Ensor & Roxy Gahegan: St Peter's Presbyterian (Ellerslie), landscaping the church lawn space, vision and challenges

- Richard & Liza Storey: Stories from Nepal and the global eco story

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Auckland Season of Creation Retreat #1

Auckland Season of Creation Retreat #1

  • Waiake Beach Tāmaki-makau-rau, 0630 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This Season of Creation, September 2024, we invite you to gather with us to reflect, listen, and wonder at God's creation. We'll be guided in prayer together and in individual contemplation of God's amazing creativity.

This is the first of two retreats. This one is at the start of the month of Season of Creation at the beach, where sand meets sea. The second will be at the end of the month on a maunga, where land meets sky.

Sat 31 August, Waiake Beach (Torbay), 9:30-11:30am

Bring weather-appropriate clothing and a journal.

Come to one or both of the contemplation gatherings, and look out for social media posts in the intermediate weeks that will encourage further reflection.

RSVP for one or both retreats here:

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Dunedin Eco Church Gathering

Dunedin Eco Church Gathering

A Dunedin gathering to connect and learn about how we engage with sustainability and creation care in our church communities.

James Beck and Kristel van Houte will be sharing stories and information about the Eco Church project across the country and facilitating conversation about our hopes and challenges here in Ōtepoti Dunedin.

When: Thursday 29 August, 7:30pm
Where: Leith Valley Church, 267 Malvern Street, Dunedin

For more info, email:

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Eco Church Conservation Kōrero

Eco Church Conservation Kōrero

Join us for a kōrero with a distinct conservation kaupapa that connects with the core of what A Rocha is all about. Time and time again we hear from people about the transformative power of connecting to whenua (land) and wai (water) when we care for God's creation. Our connection and care for whenua brings unique opportunities for worship, prayer and wellness. Restoring biodiversity and ecosystems in God's creation is an integral part of what we are called to do. Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata | when the land is well, the people are well.

This kōrero stream provides support to Eco Churches and A Rocha local groups working in the biodiversity / conservation space and is for local group leaders / members, conservation leaders / volunteers, churches members wanting to start or lead biodiversity work in their local places or connect to / establish conservation projects.

Monday 12 August 2024, 7:00pm - 8:00pm, via Zoom

Register below and we’ll send you the zoom link.

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Eco Church Kaihāpai Kōrero

Eco Church Kaihāpai Kōrero

If you're part of the Eco Church team in your church, the Kaihāpai Kōrero is for you! This once a term online gathering is open to all Eco Church kaihāpai from churches around the country. The Kaihāpai Kōrero is a space for connection, sharing, encouragement and collaboration. We'll listen and share and learn together about the joys and challenges of being on the eco church journey.

Connecting and sharing with others on the journey is a great way to keep Eco Church momentum and enthusiasm up, so come join us! Our next Kaihāpai Kōrero is on:

Monday 29th July, 7pm-8pm via zoom.

Register here and we'll send you a zoom link. 

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He Māhuri Tōtara - Youth Pastors and Youth Leaders
to 20 Jul

He Māhuri Tōtara - Youth Pastors and Youth Leaders

He Māhuri Tōtara is a Christian environmental leadership development course.

The course explores the unique environmental challenges and opportunities of our world and the biblical imperative to care for creation in the context of Aotearoa New Zealand.

The experience is full of workshops, hands-on activities, outdoor adventures and building relationships with likeminded people.

He Māhuri Tōtara for youth pastors and youth leaders is happening for the first time in 2024.

Hosted at A Rocha's Karioi project office in Raglan.
18 - 20 July 2024.
We will be sleeping marae style.

There is a one-off confirmation fee of $50 which is payable after your registration has been confirmed, however, there is no cost to attend He Māhuri Tōtara. This programmed is supported by The Wilberforce Foundation.

Find out more here:

Or email:

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A Rocha-World Vision 40 Hour Challenge Conservation Day

A Rocha-World Vision 40 Hour Challenge Conservation Day

Thinking of doing an environmental challenge with your youth group for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge? A Rocha is making it easier for youth groups to get involved!

We are hosting a Conservation Day for youth groups in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Register and then bring your youth group to Spencer Park on Saturday 22 June at 12:30pm - 2:30pm and join in with other youth groups, doing our bit for conservation. Together, we can regreen our future.

Every single one of us deserves a future where our people and planet thrive.

Please contact James Beck at for more info and to register your youth group.

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Ōtautahi Christchurch Eco Church Gathering

Ōtautahi Christchurch Eco Church Gathering

We are coming together to connect and learn how we can continue to integrate sustainability and creation care into our church communities.

Ben Alder - Christchurch Enviro Hub
James Beck - Eco Church and The River Ōpāwaho
Rebecca Webb - Eco Church
Toby Chapman - Christchurch City Council

RSVP here:

For more info, email

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