
Ngā Kōrero

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Kāpiti Anglicans’ creative self-assessment exercise

Kāpiti Anglicans did the Eco Church self-assessment exercise as part of a church service in October. The super-creative Rev Fee Thompson, the Assistant Vicar, designed and built these amazing boards as the basis for the exercise.

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Supporting children and youth in ecological discipleship

How do we strengthen and nourish our young people who care about the environment in their faith? A group of us gathered for this online kōrero organised by Eco Church NZ to hear from guest speakers - Elke Keeling, Natalie Duchesne and James Beck - and explore what they have found to be helpful and unhelpful. It was an inspiring session hearing about ideas and resources available to support ecological discipleship in our children and youth.

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Prayer, Advocacy, Global Campaigns, Youth Iris Lee Prayer, Advocacy, Global Campaigns, Youth Iris Lee

Karakia for our Climate

Karakia for our Climate (K4C) is a group of followers of Jesus, looking to empower the Church in supporting those who are lobbying for climate justice. In April, a day before the Schools Strike 4 Climate, Karakia for our Climate organised prayer vigils in Te Whanganui-a-tara Wellington, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and Ōtepoti Dunedin, joining as partners in both prayer and action. They prayed about climate change: for courage, for hope, for creative solutions, for unity, for justice.

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Young people care for creation at youth camp

In January this year, members of the St. Barnabas Youth Group exercised their faith and kaitiakitanga as they helped eradicate wilding pines. The camp took place at Glenroy Lodge near Hororata last weekend, with a Caring for Creation theme. The young people rolled up their sleeves and got involved in removing wilding pines from an area near Porters Ski Field entrance.

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