
Ngā Kōrero

Contact us to add your story to the collaborative Eco Church NZ puna mātauranga / pool of knowledge.

Eco Church Events Iris Lee Eco Church Events Iris Lee

Exploring hesitations at the Kaihāpai Kōrero

I joined with a dozen or so other Eco Church champions for the first online Kaihāpai Kōrero last week. I have come to know that Eco Church sessions are always worth attending whether in person or online, as I get to meet others who are facing similar challenges to those I face and so get encouragement. I have also observed that they are meticulously organised with lots of short varied activities that hold my attention.

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The 40 Hour Challenge Good News Project: Inspiring young Christians through environmental action

On June 22, 2024, The 40 Hour Challenge Good News Project, brought together A Rocha, Eco Church and World Vision in a collaborative effort to regenerate native bush at Spencer Park in partnership with Christchurch City Council. This event aimed to engage local youth groups and inspire young Christians to take part in practical environmental action, creating a space where participants could hear the Good News and actively be the Good News through environmental restoration.

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The Good News Project - Getting youth involved in practical conservation

Youth Groups from across Christchurch (including from many eco churches) came together as part of The Good News Project to spread joy, hope and mulch, and we couldn't be prouder! Over 100 young people joined the Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust and Christchurch City Council to help to regenerate native bush at Te Ihutai. Check out this highlights video of the project!

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