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St Matt’s Taitā ‘CaptureCreationComp’ inspires people of all ages to engage with God’s Creation in their neighbourhood
Holding a photo competition during the Season of Creation this year was a great way for St Matt’s Anglican Church in Taitā to encourage people to explore God’s Creation in their local neighbourhood with new eyes.
Bringing climate awareness to life: Viewing of The Week at St Heliers Presbyterian Church
At St Heliers Presbyterian Church to help enable their congregation’s Eco Church journey, an Environmental Justice team was formed and one of their first initiatives was hosting The Week. Edina Kuki reflects on The Week - three hour-long documentaries which was followed by a group conversation to debrief and process what’s been heard.
Ruapehu Parish rehabilitates wetland in community effort
During the Season of Creation, Ruapehu Anglican Parish hosted a successful community working bee, transforming a wetland area adjacent to St. Mary’s Hall on Seddon Street in Raetihi. The initiative, aimed at rehabilitating the local environment, brought together 20 volunteers, including students from Ohakune Primary School’s William Pike Challenge programme.
Repair Café at Onewa Christian Community
Onewa Christian Community in Birkenhead hosts Repair Cafés 3-4 times a year, in conjunction with Highbury House, the Birkenhead Community Centre. They enjoy the camaraderie and great atmosphere when mixing with the public. Most of the volunteers come back time and time again. Repairs are free but a koha is accepted for the morning tea, the proceeds of which are given to De Paul House in Northcote.
St Andrew’s on The Terrace Parish serious about sustainability
Since April this year, every Tuesday parishioners from St Andrew’s on The Terrace join representatives from other religious groups for a peaceful lunchtime protest on Parliament grounds. Holding placards that draw attention to the damning impact of fossil fuels, the weekly vigil is just one of several sustainable and environmentally sensitive initiatives being undertaken by the parish.
Wai Ora – Lower Hutt Anglicans Caring for Opahu Stream
Lower Hut Anglicans recently hosted a community open day in conjunction with Mountains to Sea to raise awareness of Opahu Stream. Visitors were able to take part in species identification, try their hand at sun photography and learn more about both the path and history of Opahu stream – to raise awareness of the stream and get others on board to commit to conservation efforts for our awa.
Visiting Flagstaff Community Church: An embodiment of faith in action
On a beautiful spring morning, Kristel, Selwyn and I had the pleasure of visiting Flagstaff Community Church in Dunedin. When we arrived at Flagstaff Community Church, Rev. Brendon McRae welcomed us, dressed in his Hunting and Fishing gear, clearly in the midst of working on the church's native regeneration project. He is a pastor who truly embodies the phrase "faith in action." Not only is he deeply invested in the spiritual growth of his congregation, but he is also equally passionate about the church’s role as kaitiaki of God’s good creation.
St Matt's Community Garden thrives in Taitā
Since April this year, Co-Missioners Caro Willis and Maria Kirkland have seen the transformative power of community unfold at St Matthew's, Taitā, through their weekly commitment to the church’s community garden. The turning point came when a member of St Matt’s, a teacher from Capital Training who works with rangatahi (youth), approached the Missioners with a question: "Do you think I could bring my young people to the garden each week?"
Since then, a group of 4–6 rangatahi from Capital Training has joined the community gardening sessions each week for the last two school terms. They’ve gotten their hands dirty, participating in planting, harvesting, and cooking with produce from the garden. Each session concludes with shared kai (food) and whanaungatanga (connection time), bringing the participants closer together.
Caring for Corwen Park: One way a Whanganui church is showing their commitment to Creation Care
For St Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Whanganui, caring for a new inner city park has provided them with a tangible way to express their commitment to caring for God’s creation. It has given them the opportunity to make community connections, and a way to be practically involved in creation care.
Peacemakers Retreat Centre: A place to retreat and connect with God, self, and others
Situated on 15 acres of land held in a trust, Peacemakers is a tranquil space, with stunning stars on a clear night and birdsong at dawn. The three kaitiaki of the land Andrew, Susannah and Shannon have lived in intentional community here for 8 years and have recently been joined by Joshua. We all have a deep love for the land and follow the principles of permaculture. We are committed to planting natives and nurturing the orchard and food forest. Anyone is invited to join us for our volunteer days to experience the property.
Shaping healthier cities: The role of equitable transport policies - Insights from Professor Simon Kingham
In a recent conversation, Professor Simon Kingham, a leading urban geographer from the University of Canterbury, shared his extensive knowledge on wellbeing, transport and the common good. With six years of experience as the Chief Science Advisor at the Ministry of Transport, Kingham's expertise offers valuable insights into creating more sustainable and equitable communities.
Growing a greener Christchurch: An interview with Toby Chapman, Urban Forest Manager
Christchurch's Urban Forest Plan is a Council-led and community-driven effort to create a greener, more equitable city. By planting, nurturing, protecting, and involving the community, Christchurch is well on its way to becoming a greener city - ensuring all of the benefits of trees are available for us and for generations to come. Churches are encouraged to contribute to a thriving urban forest by planting trees on their properties and engaging their congregations in environmental initiatives.

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