Kāpiti Anglicans’ creative self-assessment exercise
Story and photos contributed by Irene Parminter. Self-assessment boards created by Rev Fee Thompson.
Kāpiti Anglicans did the Eco Church self-assessment exercise as part of a church service in October. The super-creative Rev Fee Thompson, the Assistant Vicar, designed and built these amazing boards as the basis for the exercise.
Irene reports:
“Doing the self-assessment as part of a service is a great way of engaging with the whole congregation and not just the enthusiasts, and raising awareness. But as we only had 20 minutes, we split people into 6 groups, and didn’t allow people to have input into more than one topic. We recognised that the ‘buildings’ category was too big and split it. On reflection I would also have cut down the number of questions in the ‘community and global engagement’ section, as we just couldn’t get through it all.”
“Each of the topics had a facilitator, and we were so busy, we didn’t get time to take photos! The facilitator managed the process, reading out each card and sticking it on where people in the group thought it should go. The blue post-it notes are extra ideas.”
As you can see in the photos - Rev Fee had taken the individual ideas from the self-assessment worksheet and separated them into individual pieces of card in the form of books, bricks, boxes and rubbish bags, leaves, coffee mugs, and paper bags (to match each category’s theme). Group members could then decide where each idea should be stuck on to the board - under the following categories:
Yes! We already do this at our church.
Yes! We love this about our church and we want to do more of this at our church.
No, we don’t currently do this but we would love to explore this at our church.
This idea is not relevant for our church at the moment.
What an innovative and creative way to do the self-assessment as a whole church! We love it!
Leadership, Workshop and Teaching
Church Buildings and Facilities - Energy and Water
Church Buildings and Facilities - Waste and Purchasing
Church Land and Grounds
Community and Global Engagement
Sustainable Lifestyles