The Recycle a Device Project: Empowering Youth to Make a Difference with E-Waste

Producing about 98,000 tonnes each year, we have a big problem with e-waste here in Aotearoa. What’s more, there are plenty of high-quality devices amongst the rubbish! The Recycle a Device (RAD) project was formed as a response to this issue. The RAD project’s goal is threefold:

1) Divert e-waste from landfill and give it a second life.

2) Develop rangatahi skills in STEM, nurturing tech wizards!

3) Get devices into the hands of those who need them the most.

Church on Ingestre in Whanganui found out about the RAD initiative through their well-established partnership with Te Ora Hou Whanganui and saw it as a great opportunity to empower youth to be involved in a project with a great kaupapa.  Working collaboratively with Te Ora Hou, they've created space at their church for RAD refurbishing workshops. At these workshops, young people learn to repair and refurbish devices, gaining valuable technical skills, with adults alongside providing encouragement and support.

Participating in the RAD project has been a great experience with multiple benefits for Church on Ingestre. As well as creating an opportunity for young people to develop a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, young people have the opportunity to grow technical skills in device repair, enhancing future career prospects.  Connections have been made as young people from the Church on Ingestre youth group work alongside young people from Te Ora Hou. The scheme fosters a sense of community and social responsibility, and youth gain confidence and leadership skills by taking active roles in the initiative. 

Church on Ingestre youth pastor Doug Benn comments, "Young people are permitted to take the first device they recycle home for themselves, but for any device recycled thereafter, they have to nominate someone in their community who they know needs a device but cannot afford one. Many schools now require students to bring their own device and this is one way we can support those who don't have the finances to buy one. The project helps engender a spirit of generosity for those who are without."

The Recycle a Device Project is a great example of how churches can create spaces which empower youth to be part of hopeful solutions to environmental challenges. If you would like to take part in RAD, you can find out more at:


The 40 Hour Challenge Good News Project: Inspiring young Christians through environmental action


St Peter’s worship service for Puanga