
Ngā Kōrero

Contact us to add your story to the collaborative Eco Church NZ puna mātauranga / pool of knowledge.

Coffee, cake and conservation

In true Waikato fashion, Saturday morning 23 March was wet. Proper heavens-open sort of rain. Yet that didn’t stop 35 people gathering at Anglican Action Mahi Mihinare to hear from several speakers about conservation and sustainability. Read what attendees have to say about the event...

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Solar panel installation at Chartwell Church

Nothing beats the joy of when a plan becomes reality. Especially when those plans have been a long time in the making! On August 24th and 25th the team from Lightforce came to Chartwell Cooperating Church to install 20 solar panels. This project started a long time ago and has been passionately supported by Warwick Silvester, Jack Brinkman, Erica Harris and the late Jock Crawford.

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Calculating a church’s carbon emissions

St Michael’s Anglican Church in Kelburn recently had a first go at calculating their church’s carbon emissions. We corresponded with Caitlyn Lee, a parishioner at St Michael’s who worked on the carbon calculation for the church about the process.

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