In true Waikato fashion, Saturday morning 23 March was wet. Proper heavens-open sort of rain. Yet that didn’t stop 35 people gathering at Anglican Action Mahi Mihinare to hear from several speakers about conservation and sustainability. Highlights include intriguing zero-waste games from Para Kore’s Paul Murray, kūmera growing advice by Methodist vicar Veitomoni Siufanga (did you know kūmera doesn’t need to be watered?!) and trapping advice from A Rocha’s own Kristel van Houte. Bite-sized presentations kept the morning moving and generated lots of conversation about conservation! Home-made cake and barista coffee (from Wade of Ethos Cafe!) helped sustain the listeners. Everyone walked away inspired and challenged. We're certainly challenged to try growing kūmera next season!

Feedback from attendees included:

  • “I learned that washing towels/handtowels is better for the environment/water conservation than paper handtowels.”

  • “The best use for an item is to actually USE it, rather than recycle etc.”

  • “It was encouraging to see so many people I knew and to realise what great eco steps are being taken, even in our neighbourhood. Suddenly the church felt younger!!!”

  • “A refreshing space, good speakers, cake and coffee are always great! I'd like to think that there'd be an appetite for this kind of gathering a few times through the year, quarterly perhaps?”

  • “Practical life actions, steps, and tips for reducing waste and negative environmental impact".”


All Saints Eco Group: Hitting the Ground Running!


Solar panel installation at Chartwell Church