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Season of Creation, Worship Iris Lee Season of Creation, Worship Iris Lee

Altar panel art for Season of Creation

Rachel Doragh, Eco Church kaihāpai at Tawa Anglicans created a beautiful altar panel art for Season of Creation 2023 using the theme of the year: “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! (Amos 5: 24)”

“…by putting these images in front of us as we worship it will help us keep in mind that we are joining our voices in worship with those of all creation, and also to ponder on the image of the river and what justice and righteousness might look like for us in our world right now."

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Worship, Christmas Iris Lee Worship, Christmas Iris Lee

An Advent Koru

It is wonderful to use elements from God’s creation in worship. Using shells or stones or other things from nature enables people to engage with God using other senses. An Advent koru points to the new life that Christ’s birth brings here in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Advent koru is made up of shells which portray our kiwi summer, along with stones, bird’s nests, feathers, flowers, and other natural things we can find.

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