The “Hope Seminar” in Christchurch

What’s the chance of getting 100 people out on a cold wintery Saturday night to talk about faith and looking after our planet?

For the A Rocha local group in Christchurch, it turns out – very likely!

Last winter, hosted by the Creation Care team at Grace Vineyard church in New Brighton, a fabulous vegan supper and speakers awaited participants. Local pastor Scottie Young shared his passion for e-vehicles and challenged unbiblical Christian attitudes to the environment. “Don’t minimise the first purpose given to us by God, to share the good news to all creation.”

Rev Carolyn Robertson pointed out that our homes (and our wardrobes!) are now 4 times what they were a couple of generations ago. “We are told that we need this, that this will bring satisfaction and fulfillment. And yet we have the highest levels of depression and anxiety in the world. The reality is that we live frenetic crazy lives, duped by a message that if only we had more, better and newer, then somehow life would be different and more significant. While we are being promised this cosy life the reality is that our personal lives are being ruined. Workshops topics included ‘Environmental Justice’, by geography professor Simon Kingham, and a discussion on ‘Jesus and the Vineyard’ by Silvia Purdie.

To listen to the audio files and download resources from the Hope Seminar, please click here.

Another Hope Seminar is being planned for August 2020 at Hornby Presbyterian Church and will include a family-friendly intergenerational interactive session, more inspiring speakers, workshops and worship.

For more info contact –

Hope Seminar organisers, August 2019

Hope Seminar organisers, August 2019


Environment on Alpine Presbytery agenda