Kids activity based on Psalm 139

Bring a basket of shells or leaves - or if you are near trees or a beach, get the kids to collect some before you begin.

  1. Get the kids sitting around the table.  Spread the shells/leaves on the table, get the kids to sort them into piles of shells/leaves that look similar.

  2. Ask the kids to each choose the one they particularly like.

  3. Ask them to find a shell/leaf which looks exactly like the one they chose (it’s a trick question, they won’t be able to find one exactly the same)

  4. Explain that:

    • All shells/leaves are unique and special – in fact, all of God’s Creation is Unique and Special!

    • Each of us are unique and special too –  It would be pretty boring if we were all the same!

    • That’s what Psalm 139 is talking about.  God created us in a special and unique way. 

  5. Write prayers to give thanks for what is unique in Creation and in us.

  6. Make a collage - temporary or more permanent with the shells and leaves and the prayers.


Prayer for the Oceans


Final blessing