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E3 Bay of Islands

When: 10 - 21 December 2024
Who: School Year 12 & 13 in 2024, Co-ed
Cost: $500

E3 is a partnership between Scripture Union NZ, Adventure Specialties Trust and A Rocha Aotearoa NZ. E3 ministries believe that wilderness experiences are significant - helping us to understand ourselves better and deepening our relationships with others, with God, and with God's creation.

Starting in the "epicentre" of our bicultural journey in Aotearoa New Zealand we begin E3 with a Pōwhiri at Waitangi. This recognizes the Whenua & Moana nui that we will travel on. Traveling by sea kayak for a few days we embrace the important intersection of faith and te ao Māori around the Bay of Islands. Then we engage our legs to hike the sights of Cape Brett and its beauty. From there we switch to pedal power and bike south along the coast continuing to embrace our focus of leadership development, faith formation and creation care. Finally, take in one more chance to carry a pack for a couple of days, ending at Whananaki.

For more info and to register:

10 December

E3 Canterbury

10 December

E3 Otago