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Eco Church Conservation Kōrero

Join us for a kōrero with a distinct conservation kaupapa that connects with the core of what A Rocha is all about. Time and time again we hear from people about the transformative power of connecting to whenua (land) and wai (water) when we care for God's creation. Our connection and care for whenua brings unique opportunities for worship, prayer and wellness. Restoring biodiversity and ecosystems in God's creation is an integral part of what we are called to do. Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata | when the land is well, the people are well.

This kōrero stream provides support to Eco Churches and A Rocha local groups working in the biodiversity / conservation space and is for local group leaders / members, conservation leaders / volunteers, churches members wanting to start or lead biodiversity work in their local places or connect to / establish conservation projects.

Monday 12 August 2024, 7:00pm - 8:00pm, via Zoom

Register below and we’ll send you the zoom link.

29 July

Eco Church Kaihāpai Kōrero

14 August

Taranaki Eco Church Gathering