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Eco Church Conservation Kōrero

Conservation Kōrero:

Join us for our Conservation Kōrero! This kōrero will provide inspiration to anyone passionate about conservation and caring for creation, including our Eco Church community and A Rocha local groups working in the biodiversity and conservation space. Especially relevant to local group leaders and members, conservation leaders and volunteers, and church members wanting to get involved in biodiversity work and conservation projects in their local places.

Join us to hear from Anna Yeoman as she shares with us her journey into conservation, her incredible work with Mokomoko Dryland Sanctuary in Central Otago, and her book, Geckos & Skinks: The remarkable lizards of Aotearoa (2024).

Monday 31 March 2025, 7pm-8:30pm via zoom.

Register here for the zoom link. 

8 March

Waikato Eco Church Gathering

20 June

He Māhuri Tōtara for Leaders - Raglan