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St Columba’s campaign to reduce soft plastics
As an expression of their commitment to care for the environment, the St Columba Havelock North Eco Group (SCHNEG) have launched an awareness and advocacy campaign focused on reducing and recycling soft plastics. The campaign invites eco churches to work together to promote awareness regarding soft plastics. This initiative not only helps protect the planet but also fosters a spirit of unity and responsibility — reminding everyone that caring for creation is a shared mission. Read on as the SCHNEG team outlines the issue and invites churches to join with them to take action.
Floral-foam free flower arrangements at St Paul’s Napier
Floral arrangements have long been an important expression in many churches, but in recent years, there has been an increase in using materials and techniques that contribute to waste, such as floral foam, plastic packaging, and chemically treated plants. Knowing that floral foam bricks take time to decompose, the florists from St Paul’s Presbyterian in Napier were keen to look at alternatives.

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- Advocacy 9
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