
Ngā Kōrero

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Shaping healthier cities: The role of equitable transport policies - Insights from Professor Simon Kingham

In a recent conversation, Professor Simon Kingham, a leading urban geographer from the University of Canterbury, shared his extensive knowledge on wellbeing, transport and the common good. With six years of experience as the Chief Science Advisor at the Ministry of Transport, Kingham's expertise offers valuable insights into creating more sustainable and equitable communities.

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Growing a greener Christchurch: An interview with Toby Chapman, Urban Forest Manager

Christchurch's Urban Forest Plan is a Council-led and community-driven effort to create a greener, more equitable city. By planting, nurturing, protecting, and involving the community, Christchurch is well on its way to becoming a greener city - ensuring all of the benefits of trees are available for us and for generations to come. Churches are encouraged to contribute to a thriving urban forest by planting trees on their properties and engaging their congregations in environmental initiatives.

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Grow Forrest Hill: Nourishing and nurturing community

At Eco Church, we believe that caring for creation is a divine calling, one that connects us with God, creation, and our neighbors. Grow Forrest Hill is a beautiful embodiment of this mission. The project which was started by Dave and Phoebe Atkinson, is nestled in the heart of Auckland’s North Shore. Grow Forrest Hill is more than a garden — it's a space that nurtures and nourishes connection and community. Dave said “This garden is a physical space within a community, recognizing that placemaking is really part of human flourishing. It's a place where our kids can experience what it feels like to be loved, to be connected to your place, to know your neighbours."

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