Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint
Each of us has a ‘carbon footprint’ which represents the total amount of greenhouse gases that are generated by how we live and the lifestyle choices we make - like how we get around, what we eat, how much energy we use. Understanding what makes up our carbon footprint will help us to figure out where to start to reduce our impact on the planet. Once we know where our emissions are coming from, we can find opportunities to cut down to reduce our emissions.
Climate Stewards - Carbon Footprint Calculation and Offsetting
Climate Stewards was started by A Rocha and is now an independent NGO, but still very much part of the A Rocha network. Climate Stewards work to raise awareness and empower people to combat climate change, and facilitate climate change mitigation projects in Uganda, Tanzania, Peru, Ghana, Kenya and Nepal. Climate Stewards believes that we are all called to be good stewards of God's earth, and that voluntary carbon offsetting is a great way to do this.
Climate Stewards’ individual carbon footprint calculator asks a few simple questions about our travel, household bills, food and waste, and then helps us calculate our carbon footprint. Once we understand our carbon footprint, we can then work to reduce our carbon footprint. The carbon calculator helps individuals and households see how our everyday decisions – from food, to travel, to home energy usage – can be modified to lower emissions as much as possible. Once we’ve reduced all we can, we can then offset the rest. When done well, offsetting is an opportunity to account for the harm we’ve done. Climate Stewards is intentional about supporting projects – such as community forestry, water filter, solar and cookstove projects – in under-resourced areas in the Global South, so that while taking responsibility for our emissions, we also benefit the communities who suffer the effects of climate change first and worst.
Listen to Caroline Pomeroy, the Director of Climate Stewards in this Earthkeepers podcast by Circlewood on Creation Care and Spirituality on the topic of Climate Stewards and Carbon Offsetting 101.
Read more: Can Carbon Offsetting Really Work?
Further Research: Books, podcasts, films and websites on climate change and caring for creation.
360°carbon - Carbon Calculator for Aotearoa Churches
Climate Stewards launched 360°carbon - a carbon calculator for churches in the UK, USA and the Netherlands. It is a collaborative, web-based tool which enables church communities to measure their church’s carbon footprint from different church activities – energy, travel, food, waste, water and other expenditure.
In partnership with Climate Stewards, A Rocha Aotearoa NZ has customised 360°carbon for the Aotearoa context and based on NZ emission factors. 360°carbon Aotearoa version was made available in early 2023. It is free to use by all church communities in Aotearoa.
Net Zero Church
What does it mean to be a net zero? Net zero is a term used to describe the balance that is achieved when the amount of carbon we emit into the atmosphere is matched by the amount of carbon we remove. Aotearoa New Zealand’s Zero Carbon Act sets a target of net zero emissions by 2050. Before the Zero Carbon Act was passed in 2019, many leaders, businesses and community groups including A Rocha Aotearoa NZ, other Christian organisations and church groups signed an open letter to support the government’s commitment to get Aotearoa to net zero emissions by 2050. So how can churches work towards a net zero target?
In Aotearoa here are some commitments from church denominations to work towards the net zero target:
The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZ is supporting initiatives to help various parts of the Presbyterian Church to reduce carbon emissions by 5% per annum. Read more here.
The Anglican Diocese of Wellington’s support for the Zero Carbon Act 2019. Read more here.
Some overseas resources on pathways for churches to be net zero:
Church of England: Net Zero Church and The practical path to net zero carbon for churches and some case studies here. Plus a webinar on Becoming a Net Zero Carbon Church.
The Methodist Church UK: Get Your Building Down to Zero.
The Salvation Army church in the UK and Ireland: Declaration of Climate Emergency and agreeing to a net zero carbon emissions target across all its direct and indirect emissions.
Catholic Church in England and Wales: Guidelines released to help Catholic dioceses measure a baseline carbon footprint and Guidance on
Catholic Diocese of Salford, UK: Environmental Stewardship in Places of Worship: A Guide to Reducing our Carbon Footprint
Uniting Church in Australia: National Climate Action Plan and its target to reduce emissions by 5% per annum and aim to become a net zero emissions church by 2040.
The Anglican Church of Australia urges its members to pursue net zero carbon emissions by 2040 in operations across the country.
St Michael Church aka Mahim Church in Mumbai: Carbon neutrality: A Mumbai church shows the green way in individual responsibility
The Episcopal Church of St Martin, California: How’d we do it? Becoming a Zero Carbon Church!
Zero Emission Churches in Canada.
New Zealand Carbon Calculators - for individuals, households and businesses
There are plenty of other NZ-based carbon calculators mainly intended for individuals, households or businesses. Check out some of them here:
Toitū Envirocare Household and Travel Emission Calculators - Toitū Envirocare is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, a Government-owned Crown Research Institute.
Ekos Lifestyle Calculator - Ekos is an international non-profit enterprise that develops, pilots and scales up innovative approaches to financing a sustainable future. You can also offset with Ekos.
Catalyst Annual Carbon Emissions (ACE) Calculator - Endorsed by the Sustainable Business Network, this is a downloadable Excel based tool that measures the GHG emissions of businesses and households.
FutureFit.NZ - FutureFit measures and quantifies individuals’ climate impact based on their daily lifestyle actions across four categories – Transport, Food, Energy and Living. The tool then provides users with everyday actions and challenges tailored to their unique carbon emissions profile. Plus individuals and departments can compete against each other, creating a fun, competitive environment. It also sets a science-based target for New Zealand to work toward, collectively. FutureFit started as a collaboration between Wellington City Council and Auckland Council. We are currently partnering with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority to provide access to all New Zealanders.
Tāne’s Tree Trust National Carbon Calculator - This tool allows you to work out how much carbon your planted native forest is storing over a defined period of time. It also allows you to determine how many native shrubs and trees you will need to plant to off-set your carbon footprint.