Zero Waste / Low Carbon Events
On the care-full planning of events: So much of communication is non-verbal. What do we communicate non-verbally about caring for creation when we run events?
As in all things, there must be congruence between the message we’re conveying and how we’re conveying it.
- Rev. Courtnay Wilson, Creation Care Enabler, Nelson Anglicans
Planning a Zero Waste / Low Carbon event at your church
Event logistics
Have a sustainable events plan / strategy.
Consider offsetting speakers' travel.
Use Fairtrade / locally sourced supplies.
Digitise event literature.
Minimise energy use during the event.
Consider live-streaming / recording the event to reduce travel.
If there are giveaways / prizes, consider the sustainability of these items, or select items that promote sustainability.
Provide some reusable cups that people can purchase / borrow (mug library).
Consider calculating the carbon emissions of the event - and track data if required.
Include in event information and publicity
Promote the event as a zero waste / low carbon event.
Use social media to highlight the event goals and to encourage participation and uptake.
Use e-tickets instead of printed tickets.
Provide how to get there by public transport information - nearest bus stop / train station.
Consider shuttling participants from nearest bus stop / train station if they are located some distance away.
Encourage participants to cycle - are there bike racks / showers / lockers?
Communication to event participants
Remind participants to bring their own water bottle.
Let them know there will be refillable water on site.
Remind people to BYO coffee cups.
Provide how to get there by public transport information - nearest bus stop / train station.
Encourage participants to carpool.
Encourage participants to offset own travel.
If participants bring their own food, remind participants to reduce packaging.
If participants are buying food from nearby food outlets, consider eating-in to reduce takeaway waste, or BYO containers and cutlery. Also consider avoiding food outlets that only use disposable wares.
Communication to partners / stall holders / vendors
Communicate to partners / vendors that this is a zero waste / low carbon event and outline the expectations from them.
Vendors may require a contract outlining expectations to help meet your goals of a zero waste / low carbon event. Do this before they commit to attending.
Stall holders and display tables - minimise waste, handouts and giveaways that end up being waste.
Venue checklist
Ideally look for a venue with a track record in sustainability and zero waste goals.
Check availability of recycling bins and signage about bins.
Consider providing a soft plastics recycling bin and collect these to be dropped off for recycling after the event.
Consider food scraps bin / compost if there is food waste and collect these for composting after the event.
Consider staffing bins at critical times of waste generation (e.g. during lunch).
Signpost to the water stations.
Announce the goal to be a zero waste / low carbon event.
Let participants know where the recycling bins are, where the water refill stations are etc.
Thank people for helping make the event a zero waste event.
On the day, check-in with vendors / partners ensuring that they are working towards zero waste / low carbon event goals.
At the end of the event, look into bins and take note of types of waste generated.
Assess what worked, what didn't work, what kinds of waste was generated, vendors that work well with the zero waste / low carbon event goals, what can be improved etc.
Calculate the event’s carbon emissions and offset.
Further Research / Exploration:
Ministry for the Environment’s Major Event Greening Guide: A practical guide to reducing the environmental impact of a major event
A website outlining a guide to planning a zero waste event from Auckland Council. A PDF of the guide is available here.
A guide to creating signage for zero waste events from WasteMINZ - a representative body of the waste, resource recovery and contaminated land sectors in New Zealand. You can also download PDFs of signage to help separate your waste from this website.
Let’s Talk Rubbish: A Practical Guide to Event Waste Minimisation - A series of 9 short videos to take you through the steps for planning a zero waste event by Beyond the Bin - a social enterprise team passionate about diverting waste from landfill and creating lasting positive impact along the way.
Resources for Events:
Auckland - Eco Matters events gear hire.
Whakatāne - Whakatāne District Council’s event waste stations.
Wellington - Wellington City Council’s free event bins.
Wellington - Wash Against Waste - a resource containing reusable cutlery, plates, bowls, cups and cloth napkins that can be borrowed.
Nelson - Waste No More’s Mobile Wash Station - The Wash Against Waste trailer comes fully equipped with an industrial dishwasher, 200 stainless steel cups and 150 plates, 100 IdealCups for hot drinks as well as crockery dinnerware and utensils.
Marlborough - Envirohub Marlborough’s Dishwashing Trailer
Christchurch - Our Daily Wash provided by Our Daily Waste. A service for events, where we supply a reusable cup library and hot wash station so attendees can choose ceramic cups
Hurunui District Council - Event waste reduction guide