Whale spotting in Kaikōura

Story and photos contributed by Courtnay Wilson.

Members of St. Peter's Anglican Church in Kaikōura with their Eco Church NZ sign.

Members of St. Peter's Anglican Church in Kaikōura with their Eco Church NZ sign.

Courtnay Wilson whale spotting on the lookout spot on the peninsula.

Courtnay Wilson whale spotting on the lookout spot on the peninsula.

At St. Peter's Anglican Church in Kaikōura, we're on the eco-church journey! Among other things, we've decided to support the work of Kaikōura Ocean Research Institute (KORI), a network of researchers and educators who are committed to protecting Kaikōura marine life, with a focus on kororā/ little blue penguins and Hector's dolphins. We provide some practical help in terms of parishioners helping out with penguin monitoring and/or boat-based surveys of Hector's dolphins. We also have committed to financially supporting the work of KORI.

For six weeks (early June-mid-July, 2021), some parishioners are also helping with the Great Kaikōura Whale Count. Volunteers are stationed on a hill on the peninsula to spot whales passing by, especially humpbacks on their northern migration. The hope is that, over time, we'll get a baseline of data regarding movements and behaviour of the migrating humpbacks that can inform future conservation decisions.

For more information about Kaikōura Ocean Research Institute (KORI), check out this website: https://kori.org.nz/


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