Exploring waste with Para Kore at Nawton Community Church

Photos and post reproduced from Nawton Community Church’s facebook page.

We're in the 2024 Season of Creation and on topic last Sunday we "waste"ed time with Para Kore (Zero Waste)... We enjoyed a great visit from Paul Murray who shared great stuff in our service on the problem of what we do with all of our waste, starting with the excess we generate at the outset.

Keeping it real...after the service we sorted the rubbish gathered over the week at our church premises. A great exercise in considering what is, and what is not waste, and then what we do about that. Lively conversations were had around tables about what we do with what when we're finished with it - lots of discussion, questions, and comments generated, and Paul added invaluable information in the mix. Lots learned and fun had as we went

Photos below from Paul Murray, Para Kore:


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