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Sustainable September | Season of Creation Aotearoa

We are collating a Sustainable September | Season of Creation list of events for Aotearoa and we would love to share your event.

  • Is your church celebrating Season of Creation in September?

  • Do you have a speaker speaking on care of creation?

  • Is your church doing a special display?

  • Is your church doing some practical activities to care for creation?

We want to feature events / special services / activities from church communities across Aotearoa - so please share your plans with us. By doing so you can promote your event and also inspire others. Let's share the hope that faithful action brings!

Season of Creation starts on 1 September and ends on 4 October - for more information, please see:

We have also included key international environment-related days that occur during this period to inspire you to take action during this period.

  • The All Saints' youth group and family members, along with parish young adults and others head down to Southland to plant native seedlings around a waterway on Anglican farmers Bill and Debbie Paterson's land.

    We make it a fun day of intergenerational ministry, with learning about the Season of Creation, Anglican Communion Forest and have picnic/shared lunch. It connects town and country and gives us a chance to do something practical for Creation.

  • A Rocha's Auckland local group is hosting a sustainability event at Ponsonby Baptist Church on Sat 2 Sept from 5pm-8:30pm. This is an opportunity to connect with Eco Church kaihāpai from the region and to hear and learn from each other. There will also be four mini inspirational talks to equip Eco Church kaihāpai with resources and ideas for the Eco Church journey.

    Link to event

  • Chartwell Church is celebrating Creation Sunday by acknowledging the significance of the Waikato River and all rivers for our lives and wellbeing. We will also dedicating our new solar panel installation and celebrating some of our long term eco champions with Eco Church awards!

  • Forest Sunday: Nicholas Mayne from A Rocha Aotearoa NZ will be speaking for us on this Sunday. This is the first in a series of four Sundays for us using the four themes of Forest Sunday, Land Sunday, Wilderness Sunday and River Sunday as suggested for RCL Year A in Joy Kingsbury-Aitkin's book Prayers for Southern People. Her book provides a number of different options and provides readings for each option. These four Sundays will be followed by remembering Francis of Assisi, Friar, on the first Sunday in October.

  • Guest speaker: Irene Parminter

    St Paul’s 8:30am and 10am service
    1 Langdale Ave, Paraparaumu.

  • 9:30am at St James Church, 750 Harewood Road, Harewood.

    In the month of August and early September, we are looking at the 5 Marks of Mission. On Sunday 3 Sept, we are looking at this mark of mission: "To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.”

    Guest speaker: Don Jellyman

  • 10:15am at St Timoth’s Anglican Church, 46, Kendal Ave, Burnside.

    In the month of August and early September, we are looking at the 5 Marks of Mission. On Sunday 3 Sept, we are looking at this mark of mission: "To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.”

    Guest speaker: Don Jellyman

  • Guest speaker: Silvia Purdie

    St Paul’s 8:30am and 10am service
    1 Langdale Ave, Paraparaumu.

  • Guest speaker: Pene Burton-Bell

    St Peter’s 10am service
    17 Beach Road, Paekākāriki

  • On Sunday 10 September the 10am service will be a joint service between Tawa Anglicans and Pāuatahanui Anglicans. The service will be in the form of a beach walk interspersed with liturgy. It will start at 10am at the park in Bath Street, Plimmerton.

  • Guest speaker: Philip Fountain

    This service is part of a three-part series called: The Earth is the Lord’s. Each of the services reflects on a different theme in Scripture:

    (1) Fingerprints of God: Engaging with creation to worship the Creator (Psalm 104)

    (2) Earthly Creatures: Seeing humanity as deeply connected with the earth and as having a holy vocation of care for creation (Genesis 2:4-15)

    (3) For God So Loved the World: Re-considering what the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus has to do with the environment (Romans 8:18-25)

  • 2pm at St Andrew’s Parish Centre, Plimmerton.

    Organised by A Rocha’s Wellington local group. The speaker will be Richard Storey, one of the founders of A Rocha Aotearoa NZ, recently returned from Nepal.

    For more info:

  • Guest speaker: Richard Storey

    St Mark’s 9:30am service
    330 Rosetta Rd, Raumati Beach

  • Guest speaker: Denise Church

    St Peter’s 10am service
    17 Beach Road, Paekākāriki.

  • After the church service, we will host a video screening and discussion time. This video is one of four produced by the Religious Diversity Centre Aotearoa and features Rabbi Dean Shapiro engaged in a conversation with three prominent New Zealand scientists, Drs Jim Salinger, Rod Bell, and Alexandra Macmillan, who are internationally recognised experts on climate change and its impact on ecosystems and human health.

    Link to video:

  • A focus on ‘Creation’ as part of the Faith in Complex Times sermon series.

    Guest speaker: Philip Fountain

  • A guided walk through Redwood Bush by Damian Hewett of the Willowbank Reserve Care Group on Sunday 17 September at 2pm, departing from Achilles Close.

  • Speaker: Ossie Fountain

    This service is part of a three-part series called: The Earth is the Lord’s. Each of the services reflects on a different theme in Scripture:

    (1) Fingerprints of God: Engaging with creation to worship the Creator (Psalm 104)

    (2) Earthly Creatures: Seeing humanity as deeply connected with the earth and as having a holy vocation of care for creation (Genesis 2:4-15)

    (3) For God So Loved the World: Re-considering what the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus has to do with the environment (Romans 8:18-25)

  • Catholic Parish of Napier will be cleaning a stretch of beach along Marine Parade, from the viewing platform to the Port fence. Jointly with Anglican Cathedral parishioners. On Fri 22 Sept, from 5 - 6 pm, followed by a shared picnic. All welcome.

  • Guest speaker: Jonathan Boston

    St Mark’s 9:30am service
    330 Rosetta Road, Raumati Beach.

  • Guest speaker: Denise Church

    St Paul’s 8:30am and 10am service
    1 Langdale Ave, Paraparaumu.

  • Speaker: Ken Edgecombe

    This service is part of a three-part series called: The Earth is the Lord’s. Each of the services reflects on a different theme in Scripture:

    (1) Fingerprints of God: Engaging with creation to worship the Creator (Psalm 104)

    (2) Earthly Creatures: Seeing humanity as deeply connected with the earth and as having a holy vocation of care for creation (Genesis 2:4-15)

    (3) For God So Loved the World: Re-considering what the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus has to do with the environment (Romans 8:18-25)

  • Guest speaker: Jim O’Malley

    St Peter’s 10am service
    17 Beach Road, Paekākāriki.

  • School Years 7-10! Join Scripture Union’s SUSTAIN Camp in Whāingaroa Raglan offered in partnership with A Rocha Aotearoa NZ. Hosted by the Karioi Project, enjoy a week of delighting in creation - from the mountains to the sea.

    For more info

3 July

Eco Church Kōrero: How do we eat well in light of our faith?

2 September

Sustainable September Auckland Event