Climate and Community Resilience
“The climate crisis has arrived. Faith communities must not only react, but also prepare. … the communities who will be most threatened by climate change also have an opportunity to play a pivotal role in building resilience in their towns and cities. Whether a church community has a large facility, land, social capital, or something else, those assets can be channeled into building climate resilience in preparation for the coming physical and spiritual storms of the climate crisis.”
- Faithful Resilience
Climate and Community Resilience in Aotearoa:
Religious Diversity Centre Aotearoa NZ and Auckland Emergency Management’s Resilient Religious Communities: A Guide to Disaster Resilience Hapori Whakapono Manawaroa.
Resilience to Nature’s Challenges | Kia manawaroa - Ngā Ākina o Te Ao Tūroa is funded by government to tackle the big science questions facing Aotearoa New Zealand. Visit their website:
CNN: By land, sea and sky, Māori are using Indigenous knowledge to combat climate change
Stuff: The marae defended by flood walls: How mātauranga Māori can prepare us for the coming storm
The Conversation: Creating ‘sponge cities’ to cope with more rainfall needn’t cost billions – but NZ has to start now
From Anglican Taonga: Tongan Anglicans build climate resilience
Pasefika Proud: Community Capability and Resilience
Ministry of Social Development: Community resilience - A rapid evidence review of ‘what matters’ and ‘what works’
Resilience to Nature’s Challenges: Church, Community and Beyond: Effective Disaster Risk Communication with and for Pacific People in Auckland
Further Reading / Exploration:
Creation Justice Ministry: Faithful Resilience: A 6-part guide to building spiritual, physical, and social climate resilience in your faith community
Creation Justice Ministry: Workshops on The Church & Climate Resilience.
Church of England: Climate Resilient Church.
Church of England: Community climate resilience: How to use your church to protect your community
Anglican Alliance: Resilience and Preparedness.
Book: Creating Shared Resilience: The Role of the Church in a Hopeful Future by David M. Boan and Josh Ayers. Read a review of the book by Jackie Parks. Get the ebook on Scribd.