Welcome to Eco Church Aotearoa!
Nau mai ki Hāhi Tautaiao o Aotearoa!
Church communities across Aotearoa New Zealand actively caring for God’s earth as an integral part of their mission.
Why should our church become an Eco Church?
360°Carbon Calculator for Churches
Eco Church Action Planner
Zero Waste Programme for Churches
Latest Stories…
As an expression of their commitment to care for the environment, the St Columba Havelock North Eco Group (SCHNEG) have launched an awareness and advocacy campaign focused on reducing and recycling soft plastics. The campaign invites eco churches to work together to promote awareness regarding soft plastics. This initiative not only helps protect the planet but also fosters a spirit of unity and responsibility — reminding everyone that caring for creation is a shared mission. Read on as the SCHNEG team outlines the issue and invites churches to join with them to take action.
St Paul's Symonds Street is on a journey to reduce the number of disposable cups they use on Sundays. One Sunday parishioners were presented with a string of disposable cups that stretched about 30 meters in length to help create awareness about the amount of waste that was being generated by using disposable cups.
The Hawkes Bay Eco church gathering on Saturday 22nd February showed that there’s a whole lot of energy for the Creation Care Kaupapa in the Hawkes Bay! 35 people from 8 different churches gathered to hear from several speakers about conservation and the what/why/how of being an eco church, as well as share with each other the joys and challenges they’re experiencing as they take steps on their eco church journey.
Last week, I had the privilege of traveling to Te Taurapa – Southland to connect with churches and individuals passionate about creation care. It was a trip filled with deep conversations, theological reflections, and inspiring stories of churches living out their faith in practical ways. It was an incredible experience to talk about the care of creation while being surrounded by the beauty of God’s good creation. The setting of St Luke’s in the Bush reinforced the message that our faith must be deeply rooted in the land we inhabit.
What People Are Saying…
“I think it is great that we can be an Eco Church and that we have the Eco Church network. It is an important network to support each other and to hear ideas about how other churches do things. I feel that Eco Church is breaking down barriers between churches - it doesn't matter what denomination you are from or how you worship, we are all working together to make a difference in our communities and our world.”
— Eco Church advocate / kaihāpai
“It's a much-needed initiative and restores care for God's creation at the heart of our faith. Christians should be leaders in environmental issues. The challenges to live more sustainably are huge but unavoidable, so here's a chance to demonstrate we care for the whole ecosystem.”
— Eco Church denominational partner

"All of us—whoever and wherever we are—can play a part in changing our collective response to the unprecedented threat of climate change and environmental degradation.
Caring for God’s creation is a spiritual commission requiring a response of commitment. This is a critical moment. Our children’s future and the future of our common home depend on it."
— A Joint Message for the Protection of Creation (Season of Creation 2021)
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, Pope Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury
We work collaboratively and in partnership with local Aotearoa churches, denominations, organisations, creation care groups, individuals, and with the A Rocha worldwide family.

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket the people will thrive
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