Ethical Investment
Cooler Earth - Higher Benefits
This research and document was initiated by the World Council of Churches (WCC). The research examines the impact of financial choices on global warming and reviews related solutions which can bend the CO2 emissions curve (also called the “Keeling Curve”). It shares information, good practices, and suggestions on the efficiency of financial measures to address global warming. It aims to support discussions and discernment among working groups and decision-makers who want to consider influential strategies to address the climate crisis.
Ethical Investment
Here are some useful links below to research about ethical investment.
Mindful Money - Their aim is to make money a force for good. This website provides radical transparency on what companies are in KiwiSaver and investment funds so that you can invest responsibly.
Sorted Ethical investment list – Lots of other good info on KiwiSaver and investing, including a list of Ethical funds.
Responsible Returns – Responsible Returns helps you find responsible or ethical banking, superannuation and investment products matching your values and interests. The search tool or complete list covers New Zealand and Australia funds. You can search based on themes such as Sustainable Water, Sustainable Transport, Green Property, etc.
Fossil Fuel Divestment
Global Catholic Climate Movement - Divestment Resources - This website offers a resource library to learn about divestment. It also invites Catholic institutions around the world to come together to divest from fossil fuels. Check out who has signed up.
Divest your church: How to divest your church from fossil fuels and reinvest for a brighter future - The Bright Now campaign calls on churches across the UK to divest from fossil fuels, as a powerful, practical way to speed up the transition to a brighter, cleaner future. They are part of Operation Noah, a Christian charity working with the Church to inspire action on climate change.
St Paul's Auckland hosted a forum featuring fantastic speakers explaining why divesting is the right thing to do from the perspectives of theology, climate science, social justice, and ethical investing.
Doing Right… Doing Well… The Economic Case for Fossil Fuel Divestment - This video is by Rod Oram, business journalist and commentator.
Who will be a neighbour to the earth? Why Kiwi churches shouldn’t be investing in the fossil fuel industry - This video is by Ian McInnes, CEO of Tearfund NZ
Earth’s Climate System: How fossil fuel burning leads to climate change - This video is by James Renwick, Associate Professor at the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Victoria University in Wellington.
The Case for Fossil Fuel Divestment (March 2017) A guide for Auckland Council by 350 Aotearoa.
Articles relating to churches and divestment from fossil fuels:
Often overlooked, financed emissions represent untapped potential for bold faith-based climate action, World Council of Churches blog, 5 May 2023.
Climate and Finance: Church investment for a just and green recovery, Climate Sunday website.
Faith institutions pull out of fossil-fuel companies, Church Times, 17 May 2021.
Webinar urges oil & gas divesting, Anglican Taonga, 25 Mar 2021.
42 faith groups in 14 countries announce divestment from fossil fuels, National Catholic Reporter, May 2020.
Presbyterian Church to consider divestment of fossil fuels, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, Oct 2014.
Five dioceses vote to divest, Anglican Taonga, 27 Sept 2013.