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E3 Young Adults - Marlborough Sounds

When: Feb 3-9 2025
Cost: $350
Age: 19 - 25

E3 is a partnership between Scripture Union NZ, Adventure Specialties Trust and A Rocha Aotearoa NZ. E3 ministries believe that wilderness experiences are significant - helping us to understand ourselves better and deepening our relationships with others, with God, and with God's creation.

Our expedition will take us by sea kayak, foot, and bike to explore a very important part of Aotearoa New Zealand. By sea kayak we will paddle to out of the way bays & islands with stunning flora & fauna. Then through mountain biking & hiking we will explore the famed Queen Charlotte Track. Which encompasses where Captain Cook first made land in Aotearoa and begun our bicultural journey. All this while living in community for 7days and together embracing questions of our faith & it's intersections with life.

This is limited to 12 people, so don’t miss out.

For more info and to register:

15 December

E3 Central North Island